


As a technology called VoIP?

This technology VoIP stands for Voice over IP, and in one word, it allows you to make free or cheap voice calls over the Internet, using a large number of other functions. But many users do not call VoIP «VoIP technology» so that some have called something else, such as «Internet telephony», «calls from your computer», «IP-telephony».

How effective is the use?

Before you invest in a VoIP-services and hardware, ask yourself how effective it will be for your business. What impact will it have on the existing level of service to which users are accustomed to? It is likely that the voice traffic, which will be added to the data network, will affect the operation of other programs negatively. Consider this also.

Why do companies use the technology of VoIP?

The number of companies adopting VoIP as a primary communications mechanism is growing exponentially. Undoubtedly, the benefits of VoIP, numerous and tempting, but the use of VoIP also implies negligible risk associated with some disadvantages of technology. Studies have shown that the use of VoIP has given about 280 companies to some of the important advantages that are peculiar only to this popular trend.

What will be the performance of my company?

Evaluate the extent to which the company will increase your productivity with the introduction of VoIP, and whether this growth is a worthy investment. In other words, ask yourself these questions: Will your call-center or help desk to have more bandwidth? Will there be more phone calls from one user? Is, finally, more call processing and, therefore, more customers or prospects?

Do I have enough money to invest in VoIP?

Make long-term estimates. If you do not have enough money now, you can still implement the plan step by step, thus spreading costs over time. You can, for example, start with your service provider only tone dialing to the old system and later add hardware PBX & IP-phones. You can also rent a phone server and phones, and not to acquire them. Do not forget the right to negotiate if you want to negotiate some discounts.

If your company is large enough to have many departments, it may not be necessary to have a VoIP equipment in all departments. Study your company to see which departments can be removed from your plan's implementation VoIP. This will allow you to save money and not spend a lot of funds for the resettlement.

Is my equipment ready for use VoIP?

The main basis for the deployment of VoIP in your company will be a high-speed internet if you have a really big company and want you to have a high quality. If the company is small and you think that you can do with one or two phones, you can have VoIP as it is usually the case for the home.

If you already have high-speed Internet access, then you have already won a lot. However, there are several considerations. If your network is slower than Ethernet 10/100 Mbps, then you should think about the option of increasing the speed. There are known problems with other protocols such as Token Ring or 10Base2. When using a hub or repeater on your network, you need to think about replacing them with other routers. Hubs and repeaters are not optimized for high-traffic transmission VoIP.

What you need to get started with VoIP?

Once you are aware of the advantages and disadvantages of VoIP, you are very likely to decide to switch to it, or at least try this technology. There are some things that you need to have and do to get started with VoIP. Above all, it is necessary to have high-speed Internet connection. You must select the type of service VoIP, and VoIP-services provider. After you can get from provider necessary equipment and a phone number. After setting up all the equipment you have to make a test for the quality of service provided.